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The soccer training site. Dare go elsewhere.

Just EAT this bloody DONUT

Confessions of a dad getting his son ready for an 8am game.

Twenty years I've been doing this.  Twenty bloody years.  I apologize to all the parents that I've ever coached.  To the ones who drop their kids off at 7.37am and their kids sprint to the fields to let me know they got lost or were following the family that never have directions but always show up to the fields late with a sodding Starbucks.  I'm sorry.

I 've been out and about late nights, looked at my watch and thought it's late but my only responsibility is to get to the game 30 minutes before.  I've never had any trouble although I could mention a few times my head has been spinning for the wrong reasons and have only figured out tactically what to do after the coffee kicked in or the stomach settled. 

So this past Sunday my son stayed with me and my only responsibility was to get him to the fields on time.  8am game.  Be there at 7.45.  Early night for the two of us.  Alarm set.  7:17    SSSSSHHHHHIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sharing bathwater, Trying to wake him up in the bath (at one point slapping his face lightly), drying him (still not awake), putting uniform on, forgetting shin pads inner sleeves.   Having to dry Under Armor in dryer at 7.23, Spike Hair (important), unlacing cleats that mother triple knotted, forcing chocolate milk down him (I know, I know, I know) and a donut (I know).  Out the door, in the car, back in the house,  forgot his ball.  

Fortunately the fields are close.  We showed up 3 minutes late after I stopped off for a tall quadruple shot Starbucks Latte : ) .  We lost. : ( . 

Never again!