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The soccer training site. Dare go elsewhere.

'Lyon and The Treble'

I've had the fortune to coach a team this year who have shown so much heart and desire on the field.  To me the lil 'lyon' will always be.  A credit to the kids that their game is adaptable to the various surfaces good and bad that they play on.  The difference in their abilities compared with other teams is typically skill level in receiving and passing a ball over short distances.  Sometimes we get beat by the team that demonstrates more speed or more size but typically if coach gets his tactics right the girls have way too much control.  Its this obsession with technique that drives us forward.  We can always get better.  

Oh yeah.  BTW.  That lil team just completed their tournament schedule winning Mead Cup, OP INV and FC PRIDE CUP playing up. 13 wins in a row.  Quite a feat.