Possession : What you doing with it?
Stats don't lie but they do sometimes paint a picture that doesn't always reflect the effectiveness of soccer teams. It has been the vogue of late to maximize the possession stat and was very much the way of clubs like Barcelona and Arsenal that would typically have the ball 65%+. But you can argue that unless you have a purpose or can execute in the final third than possession is simply a statistic. Many clubs have now adapted their play to compensate for their lack of possession and concentrate more on the pressure they exert and where on the pitch, complimenting it with quick counter attacking soccer that think less of possession and really more of what you do with it.
Many club teams coaches are guilty of playing possession for the sake of just learning to keep a ball. There is much value in this, as I have sometimes played non directional possession with better teams for the simple task of playing quicker and more controlled in tighter space. But the possession drill can be manipulated 1 million and 1 ways. Their has to be objectives to your possession. Areas of concern that I preach to teams, especially young teams, is support and communication (yes 10 year olds can talk on the field) and utilizing a thrown-in to restart possession which most teams struggle in keeping the ball when having to start from their hands.
Here is two drills that work on both of these objectives.